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Drawing, Painting, Sketching, Photography, Film, Poetry,

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Start date: 10/31/24

Schedule : Weekly - Thu 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM; 6 sessions; starting 10/31/2024, ending 12/12/2024 ; Class Skip Dates : (No class on 11/28/2024)

Tuition: $55.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Please read: Supplies Needed:
  • Bring in small ...More
  • Instructor : Pike Powers 

    Location: OLLI Location : 



    Start date: 12/04/24

    Schedule : Wed 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM; 1 session on 12/04/2024

    Tuition: $15.00

    Materials Cost: $10.00

    Please read: MATERIALS FEE: $10 (cash, check, ...More

    Instructor : Kara Marziali 

    Location: OLLI Location : 


    Start date: 12/04/24

    Schedule : Wed 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM; 1 session on 12/04/2024

    Tuition: $15.00

    Materials Cost: $10.00

    Please read: MATERIALS FEE: $10 (cash, check, ...More

    Instructor : Kara Marziali 

    Location: OLLI Location : 