What’s next? Most adults prefer to “age in place” that is, to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level. Find out about A Community Together* -- a non-profit organization open to residents of South
Kingstown and Narragansett, creating a support network that
- allows older adults to age in place safely at home – and stay in their communities.
- provides access to resources needed to delay or even prevent institutional care.
- reduces the need to rely on family and friends for assistance.
Join members of the group for a slide presentation followed by Q&A.
*A Community Together is part of the Village to Village (VtV) Network, a grassroots idea started in Boston more than 20 years ago. VtV is now an international movement that encompasses approximately 350 villages in the U.S. and Canada providing ongoing support to member villages including 10 villages in Rhode Island.