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Welcome to OLLI at URI

  Current or Former Members:
  • Log in below as a student to activate your profile.
  • Don't know your username?   
    • Select "Forgot your username" to receive an email reminder. 
  • Don't know your password?
    • Select "Forgot your password" and an email will be sent to you.
    • Note: If still unable to access your profile, do not create a new profile, contact this office for assistance. 
  New Members:
  • Welcome to OLLI!  To join OLLI choose Create New Profile to purchase a membership and create your account profile.
  • Need help? Call the OLLI office if needed at or 401-874-4197.

Sign In

Use your username and password to sign in here. Please note that the password is case sensitive.

New Students

Click Create New Profile to create your own username, password and profile.